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Author Topic: DEATHMATCH II  (Read 180009 times)

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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #540 on: February 01, 2007, 04:12:55 AM »
Ataru:(serious voice) Lum,i am not so sure i am ready 4 having children,in fact i think ...(sees Sakura passing by) SAKURA-SAN!! (grabs her)

Sakura:Begone,little scoundrel (slaps him and lum shocks him)

Ataru:Bizarre,normally yer blows have more force,sakura,why u r so weak?

Falling:Moroboshi,we r still on class,dont annoy da nurse

Ataru:Class is over,sensei (makes all class hours fly away)

Falling:err...dunno what happened but i guess u r right,and since u showed me a great deal of IQ,how about u come tomorrow 2 give a conference 2 all math teachers at Japan?

Ataru:Dunno,teacher,i may be a little "busy"

Falling:Well,it is yer choice,another war against ten or cherry?

Ataru:Sensei,i dont like war,i prefer "to make love"

Falling:!!!! (leaves a little confused and disgusted)

Lum:(hugging ataru) i am glad u finally decided 2 form a new family,darling'tcha

Ataru:Err,yeah,whatever,now tell me,sakura-san,why so gloomy?

Sakura:Nothing,i just got da flu,where i live there was a lot of snowbeside tsubame was with other woman in the house we bought

Lum:He was cheating on ya?

Sakura:Dunno,he claimed he was giving her first aid and  :'( :'(

Ataru:Man,sucks 2 be ya


Ataru:Forgive me,sakura,u know if u want somebody 2 fill yer sadness void,u can count on me (winks eye)

Sakura:Pls dont encourage me 2 commit suicide,moroboshi

Lum:Well,sakura,i am sure there was a misunderstanding,cheer up'tcha

Sakura:Somehow yer little comment gives peace 2 ma heart,fare thee well,lum,or should i call ya "Mrs. Moroboshi"? (leaves the school)

Lum:Hmm,i like da sound of dat'tcha

*lum and ataru r crossing the street*
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 05:07:45 AM by Cosmic King »

Offline Forgotten_Lum

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« Reply #541 on: February 01, 2007, 06:13:57 AM »
Tsubame: watch out*runs passed ataru anf lum*

Ataru: what was that about

Forgotten: Get back here, you coward

*Forgotten stumbles passed, looking like he got shocked by 10 million volts*

Forgotten: I'll teach you for hitting on Belldandy's sister

Ataru(to lum): did you do that?

Lum: he isnt you, darling

Ataru: what is that suppose to mean?

Lum: oh nothing

*another person rushes past, then Belldandy runs past and catches her breath*

Belldandy: Urd, what were you doing

*a kid runs up and stops beside Belldandy*

??: I dont know why we are running, but you are chasing Urd then I am sis

*the little girl runs after Urd*

Belldandy: come back Skuld

*belldandy runs after Skuld*

*Sakura runs past*

Sakura: get back here Tsubame

Ataru: come here ba...

Lum(grabbing ataru's arm): dont think about

Ataru: hmm, how bout i wish i was free

*Ataru suddenly teleports 10 meters away*

Ataru: sorry lum*runs after sakura*

Lum: get back here Darling*starts chasing ataru*

*eventually everyone stops running, Forgotten is holding Tsubame by the neck, Urd about to shock Forgotten, Belldandy and Skuld sitting down out of breath, Sakura ready to bash Tsubame, and lum trying to shock ataru, but ataru has a shield*

Ataru: I love this wishing machine

Urd: what did you say

Ataru: well i have this wishing machine, would like me to show you

Urd: how bout you do me one little favour and do a little somthing for you

Lum: Darling

*lum send a lightning bolt at ataru*

Ataru: I wish I was immune to lightning

*ataru is unaffected by lums shocks*

Urd: very interesting, so how bout that favour

Ataru: Grant her wish machine

Urd: I wish my record was wiped clean

*the machine lights up and sends a light into the sky, then a light comes down and detsroys the machine*
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 07:11:25 AM by Forgotten_Lum »
This is Jenga lol :)

Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #542 on: February 01, 2007, 04:35:00 PM »
Ataru:My machine (cries in despair)

Urd:I suppose it was too much power

Lum:Lemme try 2 fix it,darling (grabs da machine and fixes it wit some tools lum had)done fixed,lemme try it,I want a huge ice cream cone (creates an ice cream monster,lum destroys it)maybe it needs 2 cool down,hahaha

Urd:I bet da machine is now malfunctioning

Ataru:Lies,lemme show ya (grabs da machine) I wish tsubame disappears (disintegrates tsubame)oopps
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 04:39:19 PM by Cosmic King »

Offline Kroptik

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« Reply #543 on: February 01, 2007, 06:09:05 PM »
* Kroptik is on his way home, by foot, when he turns a corner and sees the group. Sakura and Urd seem to be ready to tear Ataru into pieces, Belldandy has her hands over her mouth, Forgotten looks very pleased with something *

Kroptik: Hi everyone. What happened here?

Forgotten: Ataru just made Tsubame dissapears.

Kroptik: And what's the problem then?

Sakura/Urd: What's that suppose to mean?!?!

Kroptik: Err... I mean, how did that happen?

Lum: Darling wished him away.

Kroptik That stupid machine again? *sigh* Just wish him back...

Ataru: And why would I wanna do that?

Sakura: DO IT...

Urd: NOW!
Signatured postponed until I cba to make a new one. x.x

Offline Forgotten_Lum

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« Reply #544 on: February 01, 2007, 07:48:38 PM »
Ataru: how bout a date afterwards

*Urd and lum shock ataru and Sakura punches him in the face

Ataru:f...f...fi...fine, I wish Tsubame was back

*The machine light, then totally disintegrates*

Ataru: nooooooooooooooooooooooo*starts crying*

*suddenly 2 lights start shoot from the sky, suddenly Tsubame appears in one of them*

*Everyone sees the other light head straight for Lum and Ataru's house, destroying it*

Lum: nooooooooooooooooooooooo o*starts crying*

*Ataru hugs lum*

Ataru: there, there lum, it will be alright

Forgotten: hmm it seems those lights only got rid of the greedy wishes

Sakura: I can understand the get rid Tsubame, but the house was lum's wish

Forgotten: I guess, deep down, he wanted it too

*Lum stops crying*

Lum: really darling*Ataru looks away* I'm so happy'tcha

Ataru: hey hey hey

Forgotten: well everything is back to normal, wishes should only be granted by goddess' and not mortals and your license has been reinstated, right Urd

Urd: correct

Forgotten: then shouldn't you head back to heaven

Urd: nope I need to stay here and make sure your treating my sister well

Skuld: I not leaving without sis

Tsubame: at least you can stop bugging me

Urd: I guess, it was just so fun

Forgotten(slapping himself in the forehead): great unwanted guests

Belldandy: this will be fun

*Everyone starts laughing*

This is Jenga lol :)

Offline DarkDevil

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« Reply #545 on: February 01, 2007, 08:29:51 PM »
Offtopic: I prefer something more... more... more UY Normal.
DarkDevil, king of the Demons.
Servent of Lum Invader.

Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #546 on: February 01, 2007, 08:57:36 PM »

 :*)'Lumaholic Densetsu' :*)

*it is night at japan,all people are sleeping,there r no worries (unless u r a vampire),well,we r at megane house,who oddly enough isnt sleeping*

Megane:(talking 2 a poster of lum)Oh,lum-sama,where fore art thou?,sleeping is meaningless,u r da only rest i need,my only love,...i feel i failed ya back inda wedding,i should hav been more brave 2 tell ya my feelings and....


Megane:Just give me some minutes,mother....well,i am off 2 sleep,my dear megami,see u soon (proceeds 2 sleep)

*next day*

Kroptik:Yo,forgotten,how was little skuld wit ya?

Forgotten:Like a small cyclone but at least she needs 2 sleep

Cosmic:and lady urd?

Forgotten:I better dont say it,friends

Cosmic: :o (meanwhile wit da stormtroopers)

Perm:Yo,megane,here is another letter from yer secret fan

Megane:I am flattered about it,but i cant give meself 2 other that isnt my lady lum

Chibi:Anyways,read it,boss

Megane:I wont

Lum:What r ya doing,friends'tcha?

Megane:Just checking some odd love letters,m'lady

Lum:Why dont ya read it'tcha?

Megane:Ok,yer wish is my command (begins reading da letter)

Lum:Hmm,it seems u have a fan,my dear friend'tcha

Megane:Yep,maybe it is just some plump or nerdy girl,but indeed i have fans,doesnt that make ya jealous?


Megane:A tiny bit?

Lum:Absolutely not'tcha,anyways if u wanna meet her,i think she left her email in the bottom of the letter

Megane:Lets see...quite an odd email

*back 2 the warriors*

Dark:So,forgotten,u have the complete combo pack of goddesses?

Forgotten:I wouldnt put it like dat,demon

Cosmic:Btw,where is belldandy-chan?

Forgotten:She went 2 da principal office 2 sign some papers

*meanwhile at the principal office*

Belldandy:Mr, principal,i was told u wanted me 2 sign some school papers

Principal:That is right,belldandy,hahaha

Belldandy:Yer voice sounds odd,u r not the principal

Principal:Of course i am the principal,my dear girl (turns his chair around revealing himself as...)

Principal Kuno at yer service!!

Belldandy:What happened 2 da other principal?

Principal Kuno:He went 2 Miami for some long vacations,but dont worry,we r gonna discipline this school,my sweetie

« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 08:13:28 PM by Lum-chan »

Offline DarkDevil

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« Reply #547 on: February 01, 2007, 11:54:15 PM »
Cherry: I predict that school will change a lot.
Principal Kuno: And it will! High five little man.
Cherry: OK
DarkDevil, king of the Demons.
Servent of Lum Invader.

Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #548 on: February 02, 2007, 05:12:11 PM »
*Some light years away from earth there is a planet named Tecas that hav live in splendor,thousands of centuries of glory,2day for them is just another day,when da skies color themselves with raging storms and red enviroment,a huge UFO descends and near of it a silver herald of death and his fire friend*

Tecasian: I cant be,we used all we could 2 hide from the Ravager,maybe if we knock down his heralds,the Silver Surfer and Nova,we could make im go away

*the tecasians try 2 shoot the silver surfer and nova,but cant beat his amazing speed*

Silver Surfer:Fools,to battle me is like battling the unbeatable as my Master,save yerself from da effort,yer fate as the one of several planets is over (one of the alien soldiers try 2 attack surfer from behind,but the surfer just desintegrates him)pitiful fool,it is time i call my master 2 finish this charade (send a plasma bolt signal 2 da UFO,It descends;and from it appears crushing a vast area of the planet...)

Galactus:You have done well,herald,indeed this planet has all the requirements 2 sustain my hunger,let us begin wit da eternal cycle (installs da Elemental Converter into the alien planet core;tecasian army attack Galactus but he just blasts em away 2 nothingness) soon i shall feed,heralds,go and distract these aliens,give them a last thrill

Silver Surfer/Nova:Yes,master (begins flying and attacking da aliens while Galactus begins draining the planet energy)

*suddenly one of the aliens named Mekata elude the 2 heralds and enters the palace 2 find an ancient weapon,grabs it and tries 2 get near the collosal planet ravager*


Galactus:Who dares 2 interfere with what Galactus must do? (looks below) oh,i see u want 2 fight me,alien,well,dont waste yer time,i can make ya into protoplasm slime in seconds

Mekata:I dont care what u do with me,spare this planet or i will use the Tecasian Nullifier on you

Galactus:How could ya get hold of such powerful item?!?

Mekata:There is no need 2 tell ya,just spare Tecas or else

Galactus:Give me yer best shot,tecasian,may the universe call ya the fool who thought could beat Galactus

*Mekata uses the nullifier and its ray is almost getting even with Galactus might,but however the item overloads and explodes*

now u r defenseless,time 2 finish ya

Mekata:Well,go ahead and kill me,while there is still breath in any tecasian we wont fall 2 ya

Galactus:So,a feisty one u r (looks how destroyed da planet is) well,time 2 say goodbye forever,mekata of tecas (grabs him wit his giant hand and then lets mekata feel overload with cosmic energy)

now u will be a new herald of mine,accept it and i will spare Tecas,i still sense another planet nearby that can feed my energy hunger

Mekata:(looking how he was transformed) what have u done 2 me?

Galactus:Worry not,tecasian,that is just yer exterior shell,soon u will enter a perfect state 2 serve me and find planets 2 feed my hunger,that if ya accept

Mekata:...although it saddens me,i love tecas so i accept yer offer,Stargod

Galactus:Excellent (deactivates the converter and summons da other heralds) a new life has been given 2 ya,Mekata of Tecas...or should i call you,Harvester of Sorrow?

*back on earth,all life continues its normal pace,but Tomobiki High indeed will face new aspects*
Posted on: February 02, 2007, 12:12:55 AM
Principal Kuno: (using a megaphone) All students must go 2 da gym for a special speech

Ataru:I wonder what will be

Lum:It must be import,darling

Mendo:Anyways,i sense there is something wrong wit dat new principal,friends

Forgotten:U r just a joykiller,let us go and see what they want us for (enter da gym)

Principal Kuno:Welcome,youth of japan...and somewhere else,i hav gathered ya cuz it is time 2 apply some rules,first of all all men must shave their heads completely,and because there hav been multiple attacks from vouyerists,the thursdays boys will dress as girsl and viceversa


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« Reply #549 on: February 03, 2007, 01:27:16 AM »
Sand: This guy is crazy, I rather prefer to miss all Thursdays, than appear here dressed as girl!

Principal: and if anyone miss that day, will have to do community work all the other days of the week, and dressed as girl.

Sand: Better to start thinking in another school...
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Offline FallinG_StaR

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« Reply #550 on: February 03, 2007, 02:05:42 AM »
Back in the classroom...

Falling: Hahahahaha... Good thing I'm a teacher... I will enjoy every Thursdays... and to make it better for you we will have a 2 hour test every Thursday as well...

Class: Noooooo...

Falling: Muahahahahahaha... Hell Yeah!!!!
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

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« Reply #551 on: February 03, 2007, 02:21:56 AM »
Kroptik: Man, this guy got possessed by the same bad guts from the new principal... *sigh*
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #552 on: February 03, 2007, 04:26:06 AM »
*Thursday is coming, a whole room is filled with women uniforms*

Ataru:Well,in one way we will look kinda cute,friends


Principal Kuno:And dont forget all girls 2 dress as men,come on

Lum:U want us 2 dress here in front of all

Principal:Of course,horned one,with this u learn 2 overcome shyness and thus yer academical status grows,you know i care 4 me students


Kroptik:Why does da uniforms hav a target symbol?

Principal:Once u put yerselves da uniforms,machineguns will shoot 2 whoever isnt in his/her classroom in 5 minutes,come on hurry,boyz

Sand:Man,i hate thursdays


Kroptik:That principal is dead meat,i swear it

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« Reply #553 on: February 03, 2007, 04:30:54 AM »
Sand: For sure i will be glad to help you... Girls, do not worry. *create one rocked room where the girls can change themselves.

Principal: Now you wil me explain how and why you did that, dear student.

Sand: HOW i won't tell, WHY is because I think you are a pervert and don't respect girls.

Class: ooooohhhhhh!

* SS and principal cross eyes in predator mode *
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #554 on: February 03, 2007, 04:36:17 AM »
Principal:(drawing out 2 scissors) Oh,youth has been demoralized,i blame those modern hairdoes (using super speed shaves all hair in some males;da warriors and ataru and mendo barely evade it)this was just a minor warning,next time all of ya will come naked,have a nice day,hahahaha(leaves)